
How to be more sustainable when going back to school

29th September 2021

Now that summer is coming to an end, many parents are facing the large wave of expenses that comes with the “back to school” season. Although you and your kids might be tempted to buy new items such as stationery, books and uniforms, it’s important to reflect on how your consumer patterns can be more sustainable to make your back-to-school purchases more eco-friendly.

Don’t create more waste

The most eco-friendly school supplies are the ones you already own, so before you head out to the store, see what you already have in your house, which can still be used. You should use up all your functioning supplies, like pens, pencils, pencil cases lying around before buying new ones, you’ll save money and the planet!

Buy second-hand, reused, or recycled items

Check out your local thrift store for school supplies such as books and uniforms. If you do really need to buy some supplies, make sure they are from recycled materials and if possible, biodegradable. This also applies to your clothing.  If you don’t need to wear a uniform, and want to update your wardrobe, have a look at what is available at the second hand and charity shops around the island. Besides saving on money you will be helping the planet and help out the charity shops.

back to school

Be green on the go

Instead of driving every day to and from school, think about biking, walking, even if it’s just for one morning a week. If it’s not an option, consider public transportation, the school bus, or carpool!

Continue green practices during the school year

Make sure to keep up your green efforts all year long by using your notebooks all the way through, print on both sides of the paper, recycle paper and cardboard supplies, prepare your own lunch to avoid excessive packaging and avoid food waste.



9 Tips for Back to School Sustainability, https://www.techdump.org/9-tips-back-school-sustainability  [Accessed 16 September 2021].

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