
Watch the EuroCup matches in a sustainable way

16th June 2021
With the EuroCup football matches starting last Friday, there are still many exciting matches lined up over the coming weeks. Watch the EuroCup matches in a sustainable way from the comfort of your home by following our tips.

Watch the matches from home

Watch the matches from home to avoid unnecessary travelling and no need to hassle about parking or getting stuck in traffic, an extra plus, this option is safer due to the current situation.

Turn off extra lights

Turn off extra lights while watching the match, you can also control the brightness of your screen to reduce energy consumption.

Avoid plastic

Avoid plastic as much as possible, so make sure you have your refillable bottle of water, can of soda or bottle of beer.

EuroCup matches

Avoid highly processed and prepacked snacks

Avoid highly processed and prepacked snacks which have a negative impact on the environment and your health such as potato crisps, cheeses, sausage rolls, cakes and biscuits.

Opt for plant-based alternatives

Opt for plant-based alternatives which are using seasonal and local items – you can easily make your own hummus and eat it with chopped up vegetable strips made from carrots, celery or peppers.

Add indoor plants

Add indoor plants to your living room décor, as they help with improving the quality of air, can help you forget about stress and boost your mental wellbeing…especially if your team is not performing at its best! (for more information about the benefits of indoor plants please click here).

Turn your TV off from the plug

Once the match is over, make sure to turn your TV off from the plug, this will help save electricity and money! We know that there are many football fans on the island, and we hope these tips will help you be more sustainable while watch the EuroCup matches … May the best team win!


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