When someone gets to know that they are expecting a baby, one of the first things that comes to mind is all the stuff one will need to buy for the new arrival. But take a moment and think…is there a sustainable, eco-friendly, zero waste option? Here are some green parenting tips you should consider:
1. Nappies
Each baby will use approximately 5,000 nappies till they are potty trained, each one takes almost 500 years to decompose! Even though disposable nappies are more convenient, they are detrimental to our planet. The eco-friendly option is using reusable nappies, which are made out of cloth, designed to be easily washable in a washing machine. As a backup, there are also biodegradable nappies, which are less harmful to the environment.2. Baby wipes
Another important eco-swap is changing wet wipes with either a cloth wipe or opt for a biodegradable wipe. 90% of wet wipes contain plastic, so they take a long time to decompose and are a major source of pollution.3. Food
Breastfeeding is the most zero-waste feeding option available. However, this is not always an option. Make sure when you are purchasing alternatives to read labels, try to find products which are natural, organic and that come in sustainable packaging such as glass. As the baby starts to grow, it is best to prepare your own baby food, as you know exactly what you are putting into the mix, ideally using seasonal local fruit and veggies as these will be richer in nutrients.